
青春的願望 The Wish of Youth


邵維廉 (星熒)



(To mark the 60th anniversary of the graduation of the Class of 1955,
the Naval Academy of the Republic of China in Taiwan)

我想牽著妳的手 重踏一遍
那年青時走過的 山坡小道!
我想點燃 年青時擋不柱的激情
在那青草地上 再一次將妳擁抱!
願妳青春像當年 為我搖旗呐喊
時空停留在跑道終點 那美麗的瞬間
妳臉上帶著青澀的驕傲 滿足的微笑
看著我在賽場上 衝向勝利的奔跑!
我曾向蒼天祈禱 也在心靈深處尋找
無奈轉瞬間 青春的美麗還是消逝了
但青春的激情 仍然在我生命中燃燒
青春雖換了面貌 她永不會變「老」!

I would like to hold your hand and have a stroll on the old foot-trail again,
On the same trail on that hillside, we used to walk together when we were young!
I want to ignite the fire from the old ashes of the youngster's emotion.
On that green-green grass land, I would like to hug you once more!
I wish you, as young as before, were cheering for me.
At the finish line, time ceased at this beautiful instant.
With satisfied smile of sentimental pride on your face,
You watched me dashing to victory in the competition field!
I had prayed to Heaven and searched deeply into my soul, but failed,
Since I couldn't help the Youth’s beauty fading away in such a hurry,
While the burning of youth-emotion keeps on lightening my life, and is still going on!

Though Youth changed her appearance, she’s never "old."
Because, in Youth, there are my life-long memories and glories - -
My wisdom and pride too!

邵維廉(星熒) 在2015 年7月2日 寫此短詩《青春的願望》,並於數日後將其譯成英文,於加州La Jolla 。最後修訂于2015年12月。

William Y. Shaw (邵維廉(星熒)) wrote this short poem, 《The Wish of Youth》in Chinese 《青春的願望》 on July 2, 2015 and translated it into English a few days later in La Jolla, California, USA. The poem was revised in December 2015.

當我在2015 年的一天晚上看到那張六十多年前百米決賽即將到達終點瞬間的像片,驟感青春易逝,亦聯想到一些人和事,一時有感而作!

2015 年為海校畢業60週年特刊寫些文稿,彈指之間已過了一甲子,從胸懷整個世界雄心的青少年,一晃眼已變成即將走入「從前」,在人世邊緣上的垂暮老人!一念至此,不勝唏噓!我想我是真老矣!時間對每一個人都一樣,不分貴賤,無論貧富或愚智,時間歲月縂是你永遠打不敗的敵人!我願告訴那些正當盛年的年青人,好好把握「時間」,睦育家庭,創建事業,服務人群。當有一天「時間」把你「打敗」時,你或許還有些「成就」的心裡「安慰」!我們一生在人世間奔跑,終點快到了,誰還會在那兒為我歡呼?!誰還記得那一趟「勝利的奔跑」!雖然我還在空想著將「她」擁抱!「她」就是青春~~就是青春裡的那些..... 親情、友情、愛情、事業、理想、成功、失敗....,這些人世間的點點滴滴,在那短暫的人生最珍貴的一小段時間裡!

The young men more than 60 years ago!
The moment as I dashed to victory! Refer to the poem on previous page.

I really want to say it once more….. when you watch this old photo….:
「我們一生在人世間奔跑,終點快到了,誰還會在那兒為我歡呼?!誰還記得那一趟「勝利的奔跑」!雖然我還在空想著將「她」擁抱!「她」就是青春~~就是青春裡的那些..... 親情、友情、愛情、事業、理想、成功、失敗....,這些人世間的點點滴滴,在那短暫的人生最珍貴的一小段時間裡!」


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