Prepare! Prepare!
Prepare! Prepare!
Words & Music: Stephen Pishner
Refrain (副歌)
Prepare! Prepare the way of the Lord.
Prepare! Prepare the way of the Lord, oh,
Prepare! Prepare the way of the Lord.
The Lord our God is coming soon,
Good people,
Refrain (副歌)
Sing with us,
Refrain (副歌)
Refrain (副歌)
Prepare the way,
the way of the Lord
Ready your hearts.
Oh, the Lord our God is coming soon.
Make straight the path,
level the hills,
lift up the gates.
Oh, the Lord our God is coming soon.
Justice and peace,
kindness and truth
shall come to the earth.
Oh, the Lord our God is coming soon.
Sing and rejoice!
The Lord is near,
I say rejoice!
Oh, the Lord our God is coming soon.
A virgin will b ear a son,
God with us!
Oh, the Lord our God is coming soon.
Refrain (副歌)