Waiting in Silence
Waiting in Silence
Words & Music: Carey Landry and Carol Jean Kinghorn
1. Waiting in silence, waiting in hope;
we are your people, we long for you, Lord.
God ever with us, Emmanuel,
Come, Lord Jesus, Maranatha!
2. Waiting in silence, waiting in hope;
we are your people, we trust in your love.
O Sun of Justice, true Prince of Peace,
Come with your justice, Lord, Maranatha!
3. Waiting in silence, waiting in hope;
we are your people, Lord, we seek your truth.
Wisdom Incarnate, teach us your way;
Show us the path of life, Maranatha!
4. Waiting in silence, waiting in hope;
we are your people, we long for new life.
O Key of David, open our hearts.
Give us new vision, Lord, Maranatha!
5. Waiting in silence, waiting in hope;
we are your people, our hearts thirst for you.
Flower of Jesse, bloom in our midst.
Make us your garden, Lord, Maranatha!