We Praise You
We Praise You
Text: Mike Balhoff, Music: Daryl Ducote and Gary Daigle
Refrain (副歌)
We praise you, O Lord
For all your works are wonderful
We praise you , O Lord
Forever is your love
Your wisdom made the heavens and the earth, O lord
You formed the land and set the lights
And like your love the sun will rule the day
And stars will grace the night
Refrain (副歌)
You have chosen Jacob for yourself ,O Lord
So tenderly you chose his name
And made the holy nation ,Israel
To make them yours, you came
Refrain (副歌)
You led us out of Egypt with a guiding hand.
You raised your arm to set us free.
And like a tender vine you planted us
to grow unto the sea.
Refrain (副歌)
The nations fashioned silver idols, golden Gods;
but none have hearing, speech or sight.
Their makers shall be like their empty Gods,
the Lord alone brings life.
Refrain (副歌)
O house of Israel, now come to bless the Lord,
o house of Aaron, bless His name.
O bless the Lord, all you who honor Him,
and praise his holy name.
Refrain (副歌)
Happy is the home of you who fear the Lord.
So fruitful shall your love become.
Your children flourish like the olive plants.
Forever are you one.
Refrain (副歌)
May the Lord give you blessing all your days.
May you see God fill your land.
Until your children bring their children home
To show God's love again.
Refrain (副歌)