Turn to the Living God
Turn to the Living God
Words & Tune: Lori True
Refrain (副歌)
Turn, turn to the Living God the God of healing and comfort
and with delight, God will turn to you.
With delight, God will turn to you.
1. For now is the time of fulfillment.
The reign of our God is at hand. Reform your life, turn from sin and believe this glorious news.
Refrain (副歌)
2. Come, and return to the Lord.
All you weary, bring your grieving hearts. With kindness and mercy God's compassion will fill your hearts with love.
Refrain (副歌)
3. Have mercy, O Lord, on your people, In your goodness wipe away our guilt.
Wash us clean, free us to become your living song of praise.
Refrain (副歌)
4. Come, sing with joy to the Lord.
Listen with an open heart. Hear God's voice and follow; our good shepherd is guiding the way.
Refrain (副歌)